Temporary Cat and Dog ID Tags, Bulk Pet Identification Tags
We use high-tech laminated materials, our own secret-sauce adhesive formula, and a silicate coating to make
TabBand Max temporary cat and dog id tags so good we make this promise:
- Use ANY ballpoint pen or pencil
- Colors WON'T run
- Adhesive stays STUCK
If you're having trouble keeping animal id tags and bands on animals, we bet you're using those paper bands. One tech told us, "Heck we don't have trouble keeping those paper bands on! We just staple them together!"
Now we also have a less expensive alternative for you if you're using the Idexx® PetDetect® system. Our thermal collars are a direct replacement and much less expensive form of bulk pet identification tags.
TabBand Cage Card Holders are rugged plastic and hold a 3x5 index card. Just $35 for 10!
Would you like to know more about how to use our
adhesive laminated pet tags
animal identification neck bands? Here's how to set up a reliable system. And here's how one Practice Manager does it.